Re: The Forum Rules
Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 2:46 am
Below are the rules set out for everyone to follow when posting something in the community. Please make sure you read and understand the rules before posting to ensure that your posts do not get deleted.
1. No swearing or obscenities.
You will find your post will be edited.
2. Please read all the rules.
Beyond this section you will find a pink box at the top of each forum which contains any specific rules you should adhere to in that forum. The rules in this section continue to apply in ALL forums.
3. Be polite. We love you, show some loves to everyone in return.
This extends to both the public forums and your communications via PM.
We suggest reading back what you have written and considering how it reads before pressing the "submit" button. If you feel someone is not being considerate, PM a moderator or use the report button (little exclamation mark in an upside down triangle at the top of the post).
4. Treat new members with respect.
If a new member has not followed a rule please politely refer them to this section, PM a moderator or report the post so that a moderator may help with the situation.
5. False praise is discouraged. You want honesty, no?
In the critique section please offer constructive criticism. Don't feel you must praise but consider the purpose of your post, and bear in mind that sometimes "if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all".
6. Stay on topic in threads.
If threads go vastly off topic replies may be deleted. If the post becomes a personal conversation please take it to PM. If it still has public relevance then please start a new thread. We encourage threads in the discussion areas particularly to be an ongoing resource and thereby encourage members to add to existing threads (regardless of age of thread or current activity status of thread) if their question or comment is relevant and adds to the information already contained in the thread.
In addition, please be aware of these considerations:
-Off Topic Forum: You can talk about ALMOST anything you like here within reason.
-Spelling and Grammar: This is an international forum and not everyone's first language is English. To make it easier for us all to communicate happily with each other please make the effort to spell words correctly and do not purposely misspell words or use text speak in posts.
-Formatting of Posts: Please do not use capital letters in excess. Also consider whether your text size and colour is easily readable for other viewers.
-Buying and Selling: Trading on here is a privilege, and one only given to active board members who are reliable with their sales. You will only be allowed to buy, sell or swap stuff on here when you have been a member for 30 days or more and have made 50 posts or more. Whilst we make this limit as an incentive to post we want your posts to be valuable to the community. If we think you are posting inane comments to boost your post count we reserve the right to delete such posts and/or delay the time at which you may start to buy/sell/trade.
-Throwing Peanuts: If a argument starts, please don't troll. Insults and offensive behaviour will not be tolerated. Also, where reviews are concerned, members should not post unless they have either dealt with the seller or have relevant information to contribute to the discussion. Anything else will be deleted so as to keep the post on topic.
-If your post is deleted: Do not post a new topic asking where it has gone or why it has been deleted. Any member whose post has been deleted will be PM'd by a Moderator to let them know the reasons why it was deleted. If you do not receive a PM, please contact a Moderator who will be more than happy to look into the situation and resolve it with you.
You will be banned for harassing or abusing any member.
-If you have any concerns about any post or PM you have seen or received, please do not hesitate to contact a moderator via PM or to report a post so that we may look into it for you
Happy Posting One and All
1. No swearing or obscenities.
You will find your post will be edited.
2. Please read all the rules.
Beyond this section you will find a pink box at the top of each forum which contains any specific rules you should adhere to in that forum. The rules in this section continue to apply in ALL forums.
3. Be polite. We love you, show some loves to everyone in return.

This extends to both the public forums and your communications via PM.
We suggest reading back what you have written and considering how it reads before pressing the "submit" button. If you feel someone is not being considerate, PM a moderator or use the report button (little exclamation mark in an upside down triangle at the top of the post).
4. Treat new members with respect.
If a new member has not followed a rule please politely refer them to this section, PM a moderator or report the post so that a moderator may help with the situation.
5. False praise is discouraged. You want honesty, no?
In the critique section please offer constructive criticism. Don't feel you must praise but consider the purpose of your post, and bear in mind that sometimes "if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all".
6. Stay on topic in threads.
If threads go vastly off topic replies may be deleted. If the post becomes a personal conversation please take it to PM. If it still has public relevance then please start a new thread. We encourage threads in the discussion areas particularly to be an ongoing resource and thereby encourage members to add to existing threads (regardless of age of thread or current activity status of thread) if their question or comment is relevant and adds to the information already contained in the thread.
In addition, please be aware of these considerations:
-Off Topic Forum: You can talk about ALMOST anything you like here within reason.
-Spelling and Grammar: This is an international forum and not everyone's first language is English. To make it easier for us all to communicate happily with each other please make the effort to spell words correctly and do not purposely misspell words or use text speak in posts.
-Formatting of Posts: Please do not use capital letters in excess. Also consider whether your text size and colour is easily readable for other viewers.
-Buying and Selling: Trading on here is a privilege, and one only given to active board members who are reliable with their sales. You will only be allowed to buy, sell or swap stuff on here when you have been a member for 30 days or more and have made 50 posts or more. Whilst we make this limit as an incentive to post we want your posts to be valuable to the community. If we think you are posting inane comments to boost your post count we reserve the right to delete such posts and/or delay the time at which you may start to buy/sell/trade.
-Throwing Peanuts: If a argument starts, please don't troll. Insults and offensive behaviour will not be tolerated. Also, where reviews are concerned, members should not post unless they have either dealt with the seller or have relevant information to contribute to the discussion. Anything else will be deleted so as to keep the post on topic.
-If your post is deleted: Do not post a new topic asking where it has gone or why it has been deleted. Any member whose post has been deleted will be PM'd by a Moderator to let them know the reasons why it was deleted. If you do not receive a PM, please contact a Moderator who will be more than happy to look into the situation and resolve it with you.
You will be banned for harassing or abusing any member.
-If you have any concerns about any post or PM you have seen or received, please do not hesitate to contact a moderator via PM or to report a post so that we may look into it for you
Happy Posting One and All